Sewed rye under the power lines and down the ridge past the dogwoods. Had sewn rye in late October to keep our dirt. A stand took but is having to work through the new leaf cover, so I’m spreading a second round.
I’ve been selecting for cedars when thinning. Cedars last forever from what I can tell. They keep our home hidden from the road, and after a rain, walking through cedars will lift you earth to branch.
Because sometimes the seasons dictate what you do, and the need to stay warm, which means cutting firewood has overtaken every chore, except on this day, we’ve opened the windows for the wind to purl through. Only the second time the weather has been good enough to do that this fall.
A few years back a drought lingered and killed the young poplars, but this year has been about rain, about the world becoming lake, and now cold. The cedars and pines and rye promise the sun, green enough to believe.